Akció a csángóföldi magyar nyelvoktatás érdekében
A csángómagyar levelezési listán érkezett hozzánk az akciófelhívás. Bárki leveheti a levél szövegét és csatlakozhat az akcióhoz.

Kedves Mindannyian!

Úgy gondolom, hogy a Csángóföldön zajló disznóságokat már nem nézhetjük tovább karba tett kézzel. Javaslom, indítsunk egy akció-levelet, az alább felsorolt címekre. Sántha Attila megírta a levelet románul, Ede barátunk lefordította angolra és megszerezte a kinti címeket, én pedig összedolgoztam, és máris indulhat.

TEHÁT, arra kérek mindenkit, akinek egy kicsit is szívügye a csángók magyar nyelvű oktatása, hogy az alább összeállított kétnyelvű levelet másolja be egy üres levélbe (a gyengébbek kedvéért, Copy és Paste), írja be a címzetthez (To), az összes címet az első csoportból (vesszővel és szóközzel elválasztva), majd ugyanúgy a CC-hez ("másolatot kap még") a második csoportban lévő címeket. Megkérlek, hogy úgy a román, mint az angol levelet lássátok el a teljes nevetekkel, a város, és az ország nevével. Ez hitelességet kölcsönöz a levélnek, és nyomatékot, ha külföldről jön. Ez után ne feledd megnyomni a Send (Küldés) gombot! 304-en vagyunk a listán, de elküldöm más listáknak is...

Kovács Csaba





Subject: The harassment of the Csango minority in Romania

English translation, below.


Dl. Preşedinte Ion Iliescu
Dl. Prim-Ministru Adrian Nastase
D-na Ecaterina Andronescu, Ministrul Educatiei si Cercetarii

In atentia,

Baroanei Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne
Dl. Alvaro Gil-Robles, Comisar al Drepturilor Omului al Consiliului Europei
Dl. Mark Neville, Secretariatul Comisiei Minoritatilor al Consiliului Europei
D-na Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa, Comisia Minoritatilor al Consiliului Europei

Incepand din 1996, parinti din Cleja si alte sate din jud. Bacau, precum si Asociatia Maghiarilor Ceangai din Moldova au depus nenumarate cereri pentru introducerea studiului limbii materne maghiare. Nici una nu a avut rezultat. Memoriile, rapoartele pe aceasta tema sunt depuse atat la Ministerul Educatiei, cat si la Departamentul pentru Protectia Minoritatilor Nationale. In septembrie 2000, o comisie interministeriala a stabilit ca la Cleja si Pustiana trebuie formate cate o grupa de studiu a limbii materne maghiare. Acest lucru nu s-a facut nici pana astazi, Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Bacau si implicit Ministerul Educatiei comitand o grava ilegalitate, de vreme ce cel putin 6 copii din Cleja, 4 din Pustiana si 2 din Lespezi nu beneficiaza de drepturile lor statuate prin lege.

Parintii si chiar copiii care cer studiul limbii maghiare sunt supusi unor presiuni inimaginabile, de multe ori venite din partea profesorilor, faptul ca sunt trimisi in Ungaria sau in Asia fiind doar cel mai usor invectiv. Imi exprim protestul energic impotriva acestor grave incalcari ale drepturilor omului si sunt profund dezamagit in fata unui asemenea nivel al nerespectarii legislatiei romanesti.

Cel mai nou, copiii care se aduna in case particulare si invata limba materna maghiara in afara scolii, precum si parintii lor sunt hartuiti. Imi exprim protestul impotriva hartuirii d-nei Istoc Angela si d-nei Hoborici Roza, amandoua din Cleja, care pe 14. noiembrie 2001 au fost citati la Primarie in fata inspectorului scolar general adjunct din judetul Bacau si amenintati cu perchezitii, amende, pentru simplul fapt ca gazduiesc copiii care invata limba maghiara. Aceste amenintari au continuat si in data de 16. noiembrie 2001, de aceasta data la Pustiana, de catre acelasi inspector general adjunct.

Acesta este oare modul in care Romania se conformeaza Recomandarii nr.1521/23.05.2001 al Adunarii Parlamentare ale Consiliului Europei, privitor la apararea traditiilor culturale ale minoritatii ceangaiesti? Tocmai in ziua in care Inspectoratul Scolar Bacau ancheteaza ce fac copiii in timpul liber, Comitetul de Ministrii al Consiliului Europei a adoptat la randul ei o Hotarare prin care cere expres asigurarea studiului limbii materne.

Sunt ferm convins ca nu veti tolera aceste flagrante incalcari ale drepturilor omului, si Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii va lua masuri urgente in vederea introducerii studierii limbii materne in scolile din Cleja si Pustiana.

Cu stima,

>>>>> teljes név, város, ország


Mr. Ion Iliescu, President
Mr. Adrian Nastase, Prime Minister
Mrs.Ecaterina Andronescu, Minister of Education and Research

In attention of:

Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne
Mr. Alvaro Gil-Robles, Commissioner of the Human Rights of the Council of Europe
Mr. Mark Neville, Secretary of the Commission for Minorities of the Council of Europe
Mrs.Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa, Commission for Minorities of the Council of Europe

Since 1996, parents in Cleja and other villages in the Bacau county, as well as the Association of the Hungarian Csangos from Moldova have made countless applications for obtaining the education in Hungarian, their mother tongue. None of them had any effect. Memoranda, reports on this issue were submited to both the Ministery of Education and Research and the Department for the Protection of Minorities.

In September 2000, an inter-ministerial committee stipulated that a study group in the Hungarian mother tongue be organised in Cleja and Pustiana. This issue had no follow-up until nowadays either, thereby the Bacau county state schools, and, consequently, the Ministery of Education and Research itself, acting seriously illegally, since at least 6 children in Cleja, 4 in Pustiana, and 2 in Lespezi are deprived of their bylaw-statutory rights. Parents and even children who request for education in their Hungarian mother tongue are under unconceivable pressure, often originated by their very teachers, the fact that they are sent to Hungary, or even to Asia, being the lightest insult.

I strongly protest against these serious violations of human rights and I am deeply disappointed in front of such a level of disrespect of the romanian legislation.

Most recently, children gather privately in residences and learn their Hungarian mother tongue after classes, and their parents are harassed as well. We protest against the harassment of Mrs. Istoc Angela and of Mrs. Hoborici Roza, both from Cleja, who on November 14th, 2001, were summoned at the village Mayor in front of the deputy superintendent of the Bacau county state schools and threatened with fines, and investigations, for the mere fact of hosting children to learn their Hungarian mother tongue.

Is this really the way Romania obeys Recommendation 1521/23.05.2001 of the Parliament's Aseembly of the European Union with respect to preserving the cultural traditions of the Csango minority?

Precisely the day the Bako county State School Inspectorship investigated what children do in their spare time, the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted in their turn a Decision that precisely demands the provision of the education in the mother tongue.

I hope that you will take action on these blatantly obvious tresspasses against the human rights in Romania.

Yours sincerely,

>>>>> teljes név, város, ország

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